3D Jewelry : cad drawing level 1 (EN)- Les dimanches, du 2 février au 23 mars

Cours, Février, Mars

Discover the world of digital jewellery design with Rhino 3D, the industry-standard software for precision modelling. This introductory course guides students through foundational skills in jewellery-specific modelling, focusing on essential techniques for crafting detailed designs. Through hands-on exercises, participants will learn to navigate Rhino’s design environment, build core jewellery forms, and apply basic rendering skills to visualize their pieces. By the end, students will be prepared to create models ready for 3D printing, laying a solid foundation for further exploration in digital jewellery design.

Durée Enseignant.e Dates Horaire Coût Coût des matériaux
24h Harry Warshaw Sundays from Frebruary 2 to March 23 12h45 à 15h45 325$

Prerequesite: Basic computer skills are required for this course.

Studio time: A small amount of workshop time is recommended (less than 30 minutes of workshop time per class hour).

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